Although more than 5 years have passed since we created this video, it is still a great showcase of what our goal is and what ICMS stands for:

The International Congress of Medical Sciences is an international student congress that welcomes more than 500 participants every year. We allow aspiring scientists, whether they’re students or young doctors, to present their research work as posters or presentations on our scientific sessions. We also host a wide variety of practical workshops, giving our participants the opportunity to get hands-on experience with a specific specialty, surgical procedure or process.

The organizer of the forum is Association of Medical Students in Bulgaria – Sofia (AMSB-Sofia).

Important dates

Clinical Competition
Send your poster/presentation to us
Early fee deadline:
Abstract deadline:

Why Join Us?

The congress gives the opportunity to students and young doctors from all over the world to present their research work in a set of Preclinic, Therapy, Surgery and Public Health poster and oral sessions. We aim to inspire innovation and promote academic quality through an outstanding list of hands-on workshops and keynote lectures by world-renowned scientists and doctors.

Become a part of the most exiting event for students and young doctors



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