Abstract submission

Abstract Submission Deadline: February 1st, 2024

  • 00Days
  • 00Hours
  • 00Minutes
  • 00Seconds

Abstract Policies:

Accepted types of research work include:

The official language of the Event is ENGLISH and everything should be submitted in this language! (The whole registration form should be filled in only ENGLISH (UK) typewriter.)

Each participant may only submit and present a single work. Only one author can be the first author. The first author is the Presenting author (Active participant). Co-authors may attend the conference as Non-Presenting Students (Passive participants). Co-authors may also present, in case of first-author unavailability (e.g. if you submit one work and for some reason you will not be able to attend the conference, you may assign your rights to one of the co-authors; by doing this, you forfeit your claim to the presentation prize in case of winning to your substitute).

A participant who is already a first author can also be a co-author of more than one submitted abstract; however each author will only be able to present one of the works, i.e. if you are inserted in a research group where all the members are (co) authors of all the works, each researcher can submit an abstract, given that each one will present one work.

Lastly, if you have submitted an abstract that has been approved, but are unable to participate during the congress, your abstract will still be included in the Abstract Book of ICMS 2024.

Abstract Structure and Format:

(Read below for Case Reports)

Abstracts should include the following:

Case reports should include:

The main body of the Abstract should not exceed 350 words.

Abstract Submission Procedure:

Abstracts can be submitted in the XXII International Congress of Medical Sciences website (www.icmsbg.org) to the 1st of February 2024.

You shall select the option “Register now”, after that choose “Active participation” and fill in a form with your personal information and the abstract data.

You will have separate fields to insert the topics described in section “Abstract Structure and format”. Please make sure you fully read our Abstract Submission Policies & Procedures document before submitting to the Scientific Competition.

Firstly you need to choose the Scientific Session in which you want to present your work: Preclinical Sciences, Internal Medicine, Surgery, Public Health. You must also indicate the main research field your abstract best relates to: Cardiology, Neurosciences, Oncology, Biology, Physiology, Immunology, Anatomy, Social medicine and etc. This information is essential to help us group the Abstracts into specific categories. However, keep in mind your work may be moved into a different category other than the one you selected, if deemed more appropriate. If so, you will receive an email informing of the change.

After registration you will have the chance to enter your profile and make changes to your abstract, if necessary. You will not be able to make any changes after the final submission deadline! Only the last version submitted will be considered.

Please keep in mind that your abstract will be published as it was submitted – ICMS 2024 will not take responsibility for any factual inaccuracies in the abstract book.



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